musmus highway

2021-02-05 23:15
--screenshots, etc--

screenshot is from ver. 2020-09-20 21:17

--gameplay videos--
bitview (short snippet)
youtube (uninterrupted gameplay, long version)

source code/application (302.7 KB)

musmus highway is a game that generates levels based on the music you give it.
it is inspired by (or more like a clone of) the pc game Audiosurf.

it works pretty well, however your experience will depend on your phone and your settings.

tested on:
Nokia 2720 Flip, KaiOS v2.5.2 - works pretty well at acceptable settings. songs longer than around 5:30 may crash it.
Blu Zoey Smart, KaiOS - works well if you use short songs and lowest sample rate.
Alcatel Go Flip 2 (4044W), KaiOS v1.0 - a bit unstable, but surprisingly good performance. enabling legacy compatibilty is needed.


they are in the download. inserted by FC2 system